When The Going Gets Tough (Sometimes the Tough Wimp out)
I have known my husband for nearly 41 years. From day one he was/is my Knight in Shining Armor, a true gentleman who puts me before himself in most every situation.
He has made the world a softer place for me, oftentimes anticipating my needs.
He drops me at the door and then parks the car.
He leaves the best part of the meal, dessert, snack for me.
He washes my car and fills it up before I take a trip.
He mops the floors more often than I do.
He mows the lawn and keeps our house functioning, both inside and out.
He’s also a bathroom cleaner and laundry doer.
He tells me to “take a break,” “slow down,” “have a second piece.”
I could go on and on……
He doesn’t like to see me in pain, stressed or overwhelmed.
When I was pregnant with our youngest daughter my bestie, Stacy, was pregnant with her second son. We were due in August within days of each other. I’m guessing it was probably June of 1997 when I needed to get something heavy out of the back of our car. I called my husband to see when he would be home to help me. On hearing it wouldn’t be soon, he clearly heard my disappointment and said, “Have Stacy help you.” To which I obviously replied, “Hun, she is also pregnant…remember???” And that’s when he said the statement that Stacy and I have quoted many times over the past 26 years.
Ready? Here it is: “She can do it. She’s a country girl, you’re a city girl.”
Ok, not really….I grew up in the southwest suburbs of Chicago. However, I didn't know anyone who had a garden, I thought zucchini came in a can with tomatoes and I saw a farm for the first time in college.
Stac grew up much farther south of me, in a small town, and talks of eating squirrel brains and chopping off chicken heads....so, ok, comparatively, I guess that is country.
But oh my gosh, that one line! Stac and I laughed then and still laugh about it today.
So you get the picture, right? My Dear Hubby (the very phrase my mother-in-law used to refer to my father- in- law) thinks of me first- first before himself and first before others.
So, imagine my surprise when on the hottest day of the summer thus far (101 degrees) the following conversation took place at 9 am:
Me: I think I’ll skip my walk this morning.
Him: Why?
Me: (Duh) Because it’s super-hot out there.
Him: So big deal, get out there.
Me: Silence.
Yes, I did take my walk and even wore my weighted vest.
I survived. I’m better for it.
And I’m grateful that he didn’t let me off the hook.
I walk 6 days/week, rain or shine. He knows it. He held me accountable.
I hold my clients accountable. I encourage and suggest the hard stuff.
But I’m there for the fall-out and the failures, as well as the successes.
Who holds you accountable? Where health and weight are concerned, being a lone ranger typically doesn’t work. That’s why I love the Small Group Coaching Experience that I offer. It’s me being there for you, but also other women being there for you, too. You get the pleasure of being part of their successes and they celebrate with you. You can relate to their struggles, and you all help each other get over the hurdles.
Contact me to see if a group is starting up.
Or, put your own group together (3 min/6 max).
I’m here for you. Let’s be here for each other. And let's not be wimps!
Group Coaching opportunities are available in the mornings and in the evenings.
Simply hit reply to this email or go to my website and fill out the contact form.
Take good care and stay cool....it's hot out there!