Do You See What EYE See?
It may come as no surprise to some of you that I’m not a fan of “doctoring” (running to the doctor for every little thing.) My own doctor practices within the “concierge model.” I hire her by paying a fee each month. When I need her, she’s there for me. One time she just called me out of the blue because we hadn’t talked in a while. I love her and I love her integrative approach. For me, we generally work within the more natural realm of healthcare. She doesn’t tell me what to do, we discuss things and make decisions together. This works for me. I’m so grateful for her presence in my life.
Of course, it makes good sense to stay on top of other, more regular doctor visits, like the dentist and the eye doctor. Like most people, I don’t love going to the dentist, but regular checkups help maintain good oral health, which affects my overall health.
I know the eye doctor is also important, but it stresses me out. Really Renee? The EYE DOCTOR?
Ok, it sounds lame, but see if this resonates with you even just a bit. You know that big thing they put up against your face while the doctor switches back and forth and asks “1 or 2?”
I hate that test.
“Which is better 1 (click) or 2 (click)?”
Can you do that again, they look the same.
“1 (click) or 2 (click?)”
Well, I mean, 2 is brighter.
“Which is better, 1 (click) or 2 (click)?”
Ehhh, 1?
“Ok now which is better 1 (click) or 2 (click)?”
(My stress level is rising), Umm, 2
“1 (click) or 2 (click)?”
(I sound like a broken record) “I mean, 1 is brighter.”
“Better 1 (click)? or Better 2 (click)?”
With a very non-committed voice I say, 1
Even though I think they all looked the same.
This goes on for what feels like 15minutes, though I know it’s not.
And somehow, she finds this useful when I feel like I was guessing through the whole thing.
I suppose that’s the bottom line. I hate that test because it makes me feel unsure of myself.
Like most people I like to be sure of myself. I want to know that what I’m doing is useful and good for me. I don’t waste my time on frivolous pursuits. I want to take the path that not only makes the most sense, but also gives the best results.
That’s how I feel about Intermittent Fasting (IF). Proven results. You see it’s not just about weight loss. It’s also about my health: low inflammation, increased autophagy (the process by which the body recycles old proteins/cells that can cause cancer and other diseases) and increased human growth hormone (no HGH shots needed here!). My sisters also intermittent fast. All 4 of them. My youngest sister just turned 58. One of her sons told her she’s the only person he knows who is aging backwards. THAT’S the beauty of IF. IF makes you beautiful.
In addition, I want to feel confident in my body, in my clothes, and how I present myself to the world. I don’t want limitations on what I can wear any more than I want limitations on what I can eat. Once again…IF gives me freedom in these areas as well.
Talk soon!