Spewing My Smoothie
It's Friday night, oh about 5 pm, and my husband says, "What do you want to do for dinner?" I typically don't plan our meals for the weekends. We have a freezer chest full of meat, thanks to our Butcher Box subscription, which I highly recommend- organic meat delivered right to our door. He knows there's nothing thawing in the fridge so it's a legit question. But it unraveled quickly. It went something like this (maybe it sounds familiar to you):
Husband: What do you want for dinner?
Me: I don't know, what do you want?
Husband: I'll go wherever you want.
Me: Want to just pick something up?
Husband: Fine with me. What do you want?
Me: I don't know, what do you want? (see above for the EXACT same response)
Husband: You feel like Mexican?
Me: Nah
Husband: You want Indian?
Me: Nah
Husband: You want steaks?
Me: Nah (because all I can think of is the MANY frozen steaks that are in our freezer!)
Seemingly neither one of us can think of a single restaurant in our town as he starts scrolling through lists of ideas on his phone. With each suggestion, I respond:
Me: Nah....
This literally goes on for 1/2 an hour.
But the most ridiculous thing either one of us says is this:
Husband: Mutters under his breath as he continues to scroll.
"I have no idea what kind of places they have here....."
Me: Thinking in my head, We have lived here, including our college days, for 40 years and you have no idea what restaurants they have here?
(Now understand, I have been fasting all day, which is my usual. I have just opened my window of eating with my typical ultra healing green smoothie)
So at this last comment of his, I nearly choke on the smoothie, trying hard to swallow it and not literally spew it out of my mouth.
Me: What??? That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard you say!
We just look at each other and laugh.
But you know what? As women, we also say ridiculous things to ourselves all the time:
I don't want to go there, I won't know anyone.
I hate going places alone.
I'm fat.
I don't look good in shorts.
I don't have time to exercise.
I can't exercise.
I hate exercise.
I wouldn't be caught dead in a swimsuit.
I would go for a walk but it's too hot (too cold, too rainy....)
Everyone in the gym looks better than me.
I'll never lose weight.
I hate my hair (my shape, my teeth, my freckles....)
I don't know how to make friends at this stage of life.
I can't intermittent fast- I get too shaky when I skip meals.
Nobody likes me (everybody hates me, guess I'll eat some worms....remember that one??)
I'm too old to_________
I can't dance.
I hate gyms.
You know I could go on and on.
But let's leave it there and agree that this sort of thinking takes you nowhere.
How about focusing on what you CAN do and what you DO like.
Even better, try something new this summer!
Here are a few other suggestions:
Stop thinking in terms of "always" and "never."
Focus on what you like/love not on what you dislike/hate.
Here's a real good one: Stop reading other people's minds (because you truly can't know what others are thinking). When you get to this place mentally, start asking yourself, "Is this true?"
Do you realize how much time and energy you waste thinking about what others may or may not be thinking?
Bottom line, my dear....you control your thoughts, they don't control you.
Get out of your head.
Live this life you have well.
Choose joy and love.
And go for what you want.
As my mom always said, "This isn't a dress rehearsal."
Until next time!