She Sells Sea Shells by the Seashore
It must have been 1989 or 1990 when we received a shell lamp from my in laws for Christmas.
I loved my mother-in-law. We met when I was 19. She was like another mom to me. People of my generation called our in laws “Mom and Dad’…never by their first name. I liked that.
Yes, I loved her, but we had very different styles and taste in most everything. A shell lamp (a large glass body, filled with all kinds of different sea shells) for my living room was not on my Christmas list that year. Or ever.
My sister-in-law and her husband opened theirs first.
I was secretly glad that box didn’t have our name on it when I saw the contents. It never occurred to me that the MUCH bigger box would be very much like theirs, but twice the size. I was aghast. Picture Ralphie’s mom’s face when his dad pulled the “leg lamp” from the box. Now ramp that up a bit. I was immediately aware of the fact that I would be required to use this in our home. And, as a dutiful daughter, I did just that. Our oldest daughter was 3 or 4 at the time. A few years later, shell lamp still on display, she said to me, “Mommy, if this lamp breaks can I have the starfish?” I clearly remember my husband saying, “Nothing would please your mom more than giving you that starfish.” And yet, it wasn’t until a few years more, that I donated the lamp to my parent’s lake house. Free at last.
All of this came flooding back to me as my husband and I spent Christmas at the beach. On our first day out, I found a perfect sand dollar. We’re leaving tomorrow and I’ll bet he has mentioned that sand dollar no less than 5 times/day….tossing out sand dollar facts to me, quoting how much the sand dollar is worth, looking for another sand dollar every time we walk the beach. Even as I write, I see the sand dollar and several other seashells piled up on the living room table of our condo. He is consumed by them. They will go home with us and end up in a drawer somewhere and eventually I’ll throw them away. Oh, but not the sand dollar, I’m sure! Friends are arriving tonight. They’ll get the play by play. We’ll stop to see his sister and her husband. He’ll show her the sand dollar and tell her all about it. We’ll see our kids in Ohio and our granddaughter…I’ll hear…I mean they’ll hear all about it again. The man is consumed!
Do you get into things like this, too? Things that just consume you? It’s ok. No shame. But do you know what should NOT consume you? Food. And do you want to know the best way to not be consumed by food? You guessed it. Intermittent Fasting! Just divide your day in 2 parts. Eating and not eating. If you’re hungry when you’re fasting, just look at the clock and remind yourself what time you get to eat. Then leave it alone.
I know….I can hear what you’re thinking, “Give it a break, lady…all you talk about is Intermittent Fasting.” Well, to be fair, it is what I do for a living. But also, remember, this simple way of eating can mean the difference between being healthy and being chronically ill. And I want you to be well. So c’mon! Get on Team IF for 2024. Let’s do this together! If you think I can help, let’s talk for just 20 minutes. If we’re not a fit, or if I think you don’t need my help, I’ll let you know! No matter what you decide, I’m wishing you a healthy 2024!
Take good care!