
For 30 years I have resisted fencing our yard. We were one of the first houses on our block. The backyards run together and after 30 years it really is beautiful with all the mature trees. My husband has wanted a fence from day one. When we moved in, we only had one 4 year old daughter. My husband wanted to fence the yard to protect her. It's not that I DIDN'T want to protect her, I just wanted her to be able to run to her little friend's house behind us. And besides, it would be such a nuisance to mow the yard. (Mind you...I have never mowed a yard in my life!)

Baby #2 came 2 years later. My husband wanted a fence to keep him safe. It's not that I DIDN'T want him to be safe, I just wanted his friends across the street to be able to get to our yard to play.

Baby #3 came 4 years later. "Why do we need a fence? We have a screened porch where I can keep an eye on her.” (Best thing we ever did to our house)

The dog came 7 years later.  OK, I admit, a fence would have been nice.... but she literally never left our yard...even our front yard. Golly, she was a good girl. I still miss her.

Now it's 2022, all the kids are married, it's just hubby and me....and one day I say, "Maybe we should fence our yard."

I think that very day my husband started getting quotes. So why now? Well, number one reason, we have our first grandchild. When she's at Grandma's house, I want to protect her and keep her safe. You never know when a fox or a coyote may wander into our yard. PLUS, we are the babysitters for all of our wonderful, darling grand dogs whom I absolutely love. Not all of them can be out without a leash. Won't they just love being able to go outside and play?

Fences are a funny thing. They keep those you love in and keep out those that/who can bring harm. Fences around our health are helpful too. 
Here are a few of my fences:

Intermittent Fasting is my BIGGEST fence. It keeps me at my perfect weight. No see-sawing. My clothes fit perfectly all the time. I feel good. I feel sexy. I don’t dream about food all day. (You know, that’s an actual website….www.alldayIdreamaboutfood.com 
She eats Keto. 
Keto made me feel barfy all day.

Exercise is another fence. I power walk daily and do resistance training 2x/week. This keeps my body and my brain healthy and keeps out age related disease.

Pelvic Floor Exercise is a MUST HAVE fence! If you have an older woman in your life who is wearing any sort of “external bladder support” (ie, adult diapers/pads) or an internal bladder support (ie, a pessary…eek, I hate to even think about it), then you want to be sure to work out your pelvic floor (and while a healthy sex life is a must, that’s not the workout I’m talking about). I use a Pelvicore Ball. Look it up. It comes with the ball, instructions and workouts.

Healthy Relationships, Healthy Fats, Puzzles/Games, Lots of pure drinking water, Low Refined Sugar. These make up a fancy, multi-layered fence intended to keep out Dementia and Alzheimer’s. And these are just SOME of the things you can do.

Don’t cut yourself off from people. Get together for coffee, dinners, etc and have meaningful conversations. Pour into your closest people. Join/start a book club, volunteer, take a class, etc.

Your brain is made of fat…it needs fat. Extra Virgin Olive Oil, avocados, avocado oil, coconut oil. Stay away from the unhealthy fats: cottonseed, sunflower, safflower, corn, vegetable, soybean, canola. These fats are high in linoleic acid- an inflammation promoter and health destroyer.

Play games, do puzzles that challenge your brain. Are you into Wordle? Good for you. I’m a fan of Wordscapes. Learn to play a new game. My 97-year-old Aunt plays Bridge regularly. She’s sharp as a tack. The last time I saw her she had 4 quarters in her pocket as she won at Bridge that day. She looks amazing, she's my hero! Love her to pieces!

Drink water! Your body is made up of it and needs it daily to function properly. If you can afford it, I recommend a Berkey water filter system. It looks like a big coffee urn on our counter.  Check it out. We’ve had one for nearly 3 years (thanks, again kids..it was a Christmas present). I know for sure I’m getting pure, clean water.

Watch the sugar! Anyone who has worked with me knows how seriously I take this. Sugar is inflammatory. Inflammation drives all chronic illness. No more than 25 grams of refined sugar per day, ladies! (36 g max/day for men)

What are some of your “fences?” I’d love to know. Maybe I can take on a few of your ideas. Email me and let me know…I’ll share them with everyone next month! Put FENCES in the subject line so I know you’re not an evil person who wants to give my computer a virus. (Seriously, how devious is that????)

Indeed, our yard is now fenced. It looks good! I'm happy. Hubby is happy.
Tomorrow is my 37th wedding anniversary! And while my husband doesn’t subscribe to my newsletter, I want to honor him by saying publicly…David, I’ve known you for 40 years/37 in the union of marriage. I’ve only lived 19 years without you. They must have been the loneliest 19 years, because I can’t imagine my life without you by my side! Thank you for the beautiful marriage we have. God has been good to us!

One more thing before I sign off. I'm being interviewed by Gin Stephens on her Podcast later today (she's the author of Delay Don't Deny and Fast. Feast. Repeat., 2 books I highly recommend).
I think it will air sometime in January! I'll keep you posted.
I'm a little nervous. She says not to be nervous...but I'm still a little nervous.
Don't forget about my free Health Assessment!
Email me and I'll get you on my schedule.

Until next time!


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